Welcome to pedulli.com

This is a very fun website.

  • Sun Jul 07 2024
Fun Projects

About Me

A vectorized picture of myself.

I am a high schooler who goes to a high school with other high schoolers. In my free time I like working on websites such as this one. I used to be a more backend developer, writing APIs with expressjs, but now I prefer writing frontend since discovering TailwindCSS and Svelte.

FAQ ish

How was this website made?
This website is written in svelte making use of SvelteKit and implements Tailwind CSS for styles. The brand logos are from Font Awesome and the icons are from Ionicons. The footer effect is made possible by shapedivider.app. The code is stored in a private Github repository, and deployed with Vercel.
What is this website?
This website has the goal to be full of fun activities, articles on random stuff, and potentially other media.

© 2023 pedulli.com